After a wet and wild start to the day the UK District Energy Vanguards Network convened for a workshop on the topic of building a business case for district heating networks.

The workshop was specifically designed for local authorities and other public sector bodies developing district heating networks and focussed on addresing key areas to consider in building a business case.

A robust business case is the essential cornerstone to the development of a heat network project. It needs to be built on a detailed technical evaluation and credible commercial structure, and meet the strategic objectives of your key decision makers. Investors, both public and private, will want to see a sound financial plan that is conservative in its assumptions, has been tested against potential risks, and will provide them with a return on capital.

The workhop took place in Leeds on Wednesday 24th January 2018.

Thanks to all  presenters and participants, as well as our event sponsors: Logstor, Rehau, Secure Meters, Sustain and Trent Energy.

Morning: Local, regional and international perspectives and benefits

Afternoon: Developing your business case


District Energy Vanguards Network: Developing Your Business Case

Vanguards Presentation: UK Local Authority Action on Energy
University of Edinburgh

Margaret Tingey ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: The broader benefits of heat networks
Anthesis Sweden

Agneta Persson ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: Business models – the international perspective

Robin Wiltshire ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: Preparing a business case and procuring advisors

George Robinson ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: Selecting the right business model
Energy Direction

Ruth Rule ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: Learning from Scotland: business cases for heat networks
Scottish Futures Trust

Paul Moseley ( 2018 )


Vanguards Presentation: Building your financial model
Teno Accounting

Tina Buchanan ( 2018 )


Vanguards Sponsor: Secure Meters

Jamie Bomber ( 2018 )


Vanguards Sponsor: Trent Energy

Philippe Terrien ( 2018 )


Vanguards Sponsor: Logstor

Chris Best ( 2018 )
