The governance and organisation of energy systems is critical to meeting our climate protection targets, but is often under-examined.

Our empirical research investigates energy policy negotiations between central, regional and local governments, businesses and civil society. We aim to understand the material consequences of differences in political-economy, and democratic processes, for innovation in heat and energy efficiency in buildings. For example, we are comparing British neo-liberal market economy with Danish collaborative market economy and German coordinated market economy. We consider the consequences for actions emerging in specific cities in each case.

Net Zero Living and Societal Change: A Scoping Study

Local Energy Business and Financial Practices

Informing development of next generation local energy system business models and financing

Multi-level Governance and Energy Demand

How are devolved, regional and local authorities responding differently to goals of low energy, low carbon development and building retrofit?

Energy Efficient Scotland Programme – Pilot evaluation

A multi-criteria evaluation of 25 low carbon heat and energy efficiency projects led by local authorities across Scotland.

Local Engagement in UK Energy Systems

Investigating energy plans and projects developed by UK Local Governments, in the context of our climate protection and clean energy policies.

Working Paper – Local energy businesses in the United Kingdom: clusters and localism determinants based on financial ratios
participants, financial ratios, and estimates of localism

Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez, Janette Webb, Maria Sharmina, Matthew Hannon, Timothy Braunholtz-Speight and Dimitrios Pappas ( 2021 )

Working paper

Working Paper: Characterising a local energy business sector in the United Kingdom
participants, revenue sources, and estimates of localism and smartness

Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez, Janette Webb, Maria Sharmina, Matthew Hannon, Dimitrios Pappas and Margaret Tingey ( 2020 )

Working paper

Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Energy Efficient Scotland: Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes”, March 2020

Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2020 )

Consultation response

Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Local Energy Policy Statement: A Consultation”

Faye Wade, Margaret Tingey, Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez and Janette Webb ( 2019 )

Consultation response
Energy Efficient Scotland pilots: experiences and lessons from Phase 1 and 2

Energy Efficient Scotland pilots: experiences and lessons from Phase 1 and 2 October 2018

Workshop on Scottish policy for energy efficiency and buildings June 2018

International Workshop on Publicly Owned Energy Companies

International Workshop on Publicly Owned Energy Companies May 2018

Workshop to consider existing and proposed models of public ownership of different aspects of energy systems, across different scales and in different contexts, drawing on examples from the UK and the rest of Europe.

What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems

What We Know about Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems November 2017

Report launch and policy workshop, London

Local Authorities and Energy Investments: Challenging Research?

Local Authorities and Energy Investments: Challenging Research? June 2017

Local Authorities and Energy: Research Findings Challenge Workshop Investments, Birmingham