Energy efficiency is an essential element of meeting climate protection targets, with potential for delivering energy demand reductions across the world.

Our research addresses energy efficiency policy and delivery challenges in a European context. It explores evaluation of energy efficiency projects to learn lessons on design and programme delivery, organisational capacity and governance, and use of policy mechanisms such as innovative financing and subsidies. Our research primarily draws from experiences in Scotland, UK, Germany and Denmark.

Net Zero Living and Societal Change: A Scoping Study

Multi-level Governance and Energy Demand

How are devolved, regional and local authorities responding differently to goals of low energy, low carbon development and building retrofit?

Energy Efficient Scotland Programme – Pilot evaluation

A multi-criteria evaluation of 25 low carbon heat and energy efficiency projects led by local authorities across Scotland.

Reframing Energy Demand – Innovation for Sustainable Heat

How are the ‘problems’ of sustainable heat and energy efficiency understood in different countries and different cities, and how can they be solved?

Heat and the City project

What role do ‘cities’ play in sustainable energy transitions in the UK and elsewhere in Europe?

Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Energy Efficient Scotland: Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes”, March 2020

Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2020 )

Consultation response

Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Local Energy Policy Statement: A Consultation”

Faye Wade, Margaret Tingey, Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez and Janette Webb ( 2019 )

Consultation response

Energy retrofitting in Scotland event: skills and the supply chain slide pack

( 2019 )


Heat and the City response to Energy Efficient Scotland March 2019 Consultation

Faye Wade, Janette Webb, Margaret Tingey and Henry Myers ( 2019 )

Consultation response
Energy retrofitting in Scotland: skills and the supply chain

Energy retrofitting in Scotland: skills and the supply chain June 2019

Energy Efficient Scotland pilots: experiences and lessons from Phase 1 and 2

Energy Efficient Scotland pilots: experiences and lessons from Phase 1 and 2 October 2018

Workshop on Scottish policy for energy efficiency and buildings June 2018

Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) Evaluation –  Kick-off local authority workshop

Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) Evaluation – Kick-off local authority workshop February 2017

University of Edinburgh

Scottish Consultation Events on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating

Scottish Consultation Events on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating March 2017

Inverness and Edinburgh