District heating is a mature technology used extensively in many European cities. Highly insulated infrastructure is used to transport heat from locations where it has little value (such as the back of a power station) to locations where it has high value (heating homes and other buildings).

Heat networks can enable a range of low carbon heat sources, but constructing them can be challenging, particularly in contemporary liberalised energy markets. Our research explores these challenges, considering the roles of different actors, the implications of different business models, what works in policy, planning and regulation, and what changing to this form of energy supply means for users.

Net Zero Living and Societal Change: A Scoping Study

Multi-level Governance and Energy Demand

How are devolved, regional and local authorities responding differently to goals of low energy, low carbon development and building retrofit?

Reframing Energy Demand – Innovation for Sustainable Heat

How are the ‘problems’ of sustainable heat and energy efficiency understood in different countries and different cities, and how can they be solved?

Heat and the City project

What role do ‘cities’ play in sustainable energy transitions in the UK and elsewhere in Europe?

Scottish Heat Network Partnership Practitioner Group

The Practitioner Group brings together a range of public sector, non-profit and commercial organisations actively developing or operating heat networks in Scotland.

UK District Energy Vanguards Network

Local Authority knowledge exchange network about district energy systems


The Stratego project (July 2014 – July 2016), worked across 12 European countries, including Scotland, aiming to aid the development of effective heating and cooling plans and build capacities to deliver district heating on the ground.

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 1

Emily Sam, David Malsom, Iain Greenshields ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 2

Peter Russett, Andy Yuill, Ian Allan, Paul Atkinson ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 3

Jon Buick, Faye Tomson, Andy Yuill ( 2020 )


Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Local Energy Policy Statement: A Consultation”

Faye Wade, Margaret Tingey, Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez and Janette Webb ( 2019 )

Consultation response

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World HNIP & SPONSORS Slide Pack

Nick Good, Heat Networks Investment Project; Peter Russett, FVB District Energy UK; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Ian Allan, Switch2 ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World AFTERNOON Slide Pack

Rachel Coxcoon, CSE; Jon Selman, Plymouth City Council; Tony Norton, Howard Smith & Andy Wood, Exeter and East Devon; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Josh Thumim, CSE ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World MORNING Slide Pack

Paul Barker, Bristol City Council; Richard Lowes, Exeter University; Rufus Ford, Vattenfall; Jon Buick, Bristol City Council ( 2019 )


Heat and the City response to Energy Efficient Scotland March 2019 Consultation

Faye Wade, Janette Webb, Margaret Tingey and Henry Myers ( 2019 )

Consultation response

DEVN: Heat Networks The Road to Commercialisation MANCHESTER Slide Pack

( 2019 )


District Energy Vanguards Network – Heat Networks: Planning for a Zero Carbon World SHEFFIELD March 2020

Free one-day workshop
Tuesday 10 March 2020

District Energy Vanguards Network – Heat Networks: Planning for a Zero Carbon World BRISTOL November 2019

Free one-day workshop
19 November 2019

District Energy Vanguards Network – Heat Networks: The Road to Commercialisation MANCHESTER

District Energy Vanguards Network – Heat Networks: The Road to Commercialisation MANCHESTER May 2019

Free one-day workshop
Tuesday 21st May 2019 – Manchester

District Energy Vanguards Network: Heat Networks The Road to Commercialisation LONDON

District Energy Vanguards Network: Heat Networks The Road to Commercialisation LONDON February 2019

District Energy Vanguards Network: Heat Networks The Road to Commercialisation
Free one-day workshop for local authorities and other public sector organisations
Monday 4th February 2019, London

Academic Workshop on Sustainable Heating Provisions and Cities: Theory, Practice and Future Implications

Academic Workshop on Sustainable Heating Provisions and Cities: Theory, Practice and Future Implications October 2014

Workshop to examine the current state of social science knowledge about sustainable heating provisions in European cities.

Stratego Project local district heating stakeholder events

Stratego Project local district heating stakeholder events June 2016

Seven local authority-led events, focusing on key parts of their strategic approach to district heating development.

Scottish Consultation Events on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating

Scottish Consultation Events on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating March 2017

Inverness and Edinburgh

District Energy Vanguards Network: Heat Networks Investment Programme and District Energy Procurement Agency April 2016

District Energy Vanguards Network: Financial Plans, Building a Heat Tariff and Heat Metering July 2015

District Energy Vanguards Network: What Works for District Energy Business Models in Britain? December 2014

District Energy Vanguards Network: Next Steps in Financing District Energy November 2013

District Energy Vanguards Network meet to discuss UK Gov Heat Strategy

District Energy Vanguards Network meet to discuss UK Gov Heat Strategy February 2013

The UK Government plans to publish its Heat Strategy in March 2013. DECC wished to test proposals relating to district heating with the members of the Vanguards Network. To this end the Vanguards met on Friday 15th February 2013, and were kindly hosted by Sheffield City Council at the Sheffield Town Hall.

District Energy Vanguards Network: Financing District Heating Initiatives May 2012

District Energy Vanguards Network: Leadership and Organisation for District Energy September 2011