All of our publications, reports, and event presentations are available on this page.

You can filter and search the database of resources using the tools below.

SPREEE presentation: The possible role of hydrogen in the transition to low carbon heat in Scotland

Angus McIntosh ( 2018 )


SPREEE presentation: Social/fuel poverty impacts and the role that new technologies might play

Andrew Bissell ( 2018 )


SPREEE presentation: Low Carbon Heat in Scotland

Janette Webb ( 2018 )


A new definition of fuel poverty in Scotland: A review of recent evidence
The 2017 Scottish Fuel Poverty Definition Review Panel

Glen Bramley, Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Christine Liddell and Janette Webb ( 2017 )


Scottish Energy Strategy: The Future of Energy in Scotland, UKERC response

Jim Watson and Mark Winskel (editors) ( 2017 )

Consultation response

Scottish Government consultation response: Energy Strategy – Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) National infrastructure priority for energy efficiency

Ruth Bush, David Hawkey, Niall Kerr, Margaret Tingey, Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2017 )

Consultation response