All of our publications, reports, and event presentations are available on this page.

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Working Paper: Characterising a local energy business sector in the United Kingdom
participants, revenue sources, and estimates of localism and smartness

Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez, Janette Webb, Maria Sharmina, Matthew Hannon, Dimitrios Pappas and Margaret Tingey ( 2020 )

Working paper

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 1

Emily Sam, David Malsom, Iain Greenshields ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 2

Peter Russett, Andy Yuill, Ian Allan, Paul Atkinson ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 3

Jon Buick, Faye Tomson, Andy Yuill ( 2020 )


Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Energy Efficient Scotland: Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes”, March 2020

Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2020 )

Consultation response

Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Local Energy Policy Statement: A Consultation”

Faye Wade, Margaret Tingey, Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez and Janette Webb ( 2019 )

Consultation response