All of our publications, reports, and event presentations are available on this page.

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Local Authority Engagement in UK Energy Systems: Highlights from Early Findings
UKERC, London and The ETI, Loughborough

Margaret Tingey, Janette Webb, and David Hawkey ( 2017 )


Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating: Response to Consultation from the Heat and the City Research Team, University of Edinburgh

Janette Webb, David Hawkey, Ruth Bush and Margaret Tingey ( 2017 )

Consultation response

Scottish Government consultation response: Energy Strategy – Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) National infrastructure priority for energy efficiency

Ruth Bush, David Hawkey, Niall Kerr, Margaret Tingey, Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2017 )

Consultation response

Vanguards Presentation: Procurement Framework

Michael King ( 2016 )


Vanguards Presentation: Värmek Approach to Procurement

Peter Dahl ( 2016 )


Vanguards Presentation: DEPA Introduction

Michael King ( 2016 )
