All of our publications, reports, and event presentations are available on this page.

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Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Energy Efficient Scotland: Improving energy efficiency in owner occupied homes”, March 2020

Faye Wade and Janette Webb ( 2020 )

Consultation response

Heat and the City response to Energy Efficient Scotland March 2019 Consultation

Faye Wade, Janette Webb, Margaret Tingey and Henry Myers ( 2019 )

Consultation response

Response to Scottish Government’s “Energy Efficient Scotland Consultation: Making our homes and buildings warmer, greener and more efficient”

Faye Wade, Ruth Bush and Janette Webb ( 2018 )

Consultation response

Response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s “Heat Networks Market Study – Update Paper”

David Hawkey ( 2018 )

Consultation response

Danish experiences with public and local ownership of district heating companies

Rune Nielsen ( 2018 )


Public Ownership, Environmental Regulation and Environmental Quality: Evidence from the European Energy Industry

Stefano Clò ( 2018 )


Response to Scottish Government “Second consultation on local heat & energy efficiency strategies, and regulation of district and communal heating”

David Hawkey, Ruth Bush, Margaret Tingey and Janette Webb ( 2018 )

Consultation response

Response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s “Heat Networks Market Study – Statement of Scope”
Comments on the proposed areas of focus and potential remedies in the Competition and Markets Authority's market investigation into heat networks

David Hawkey and Janette Webb ( 2018 )

Consultation response

Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District Heating: Response to Consultation from the Heat and the City Research Team, University of Edinburgh

Janette Webb, David Hawkey, Ruth Bush and Margaret Tingey ( 2017 )

Consultation response

Regulatory options for district heating in Scotland
Report to Scottish Government Working Group on District Heating

Ruth Bush, David Hawkey and Janette Webb ( 2015 )
