All of our publications, reports, and event presentations are available on this page.

You can filter and search the database of resources using the tools below.

Working Paper – Local energy businesses in the United Kingdom: clusters and localism determinants based on financial ratios
participants, financial ratios, and estimates of localism

Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez, Janette Webb, Maria Sharmina, Matthew Hannon, Timothy Braunholtz-Speight and Dimitrios Pappas ( 2021 )

Working paper

Infographic – Net zero localities: ambition & value in UK local authority investment

Margaret Tingey and Janette Webb ( 2020 )


Working Paper: Characterising a local energy business sector in the United Kingdom
participants, revenue sources, and estimates of localism and smartness

Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez, Janette Webb, Maria Sharmina, Matthew Hannon, Dimitrios Pappas and Margaret Tingey ( 2020 )

Working paper

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World HNIP & SPONSORS Slide Pack

Nick Good, Heat Networks Investment Project; Peter Russett, FVB District Energy UK; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Ian Allan, Switch2 ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World AFTERNOON Slide Pack

Rachel Coxcoon, CSE; Jon Selman, Plymouth City Council; Tony Norton, Howard Smith & Andy Wood, Exeter and East Devon; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Josh Thumim, CSE ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World MORNING Slide Pack

Paul Barker, Bristol City Council; Richard Lowes, Exeter University; Rufus Ford, Vattenfall; Jon Buick, Bristol City Council ( 2019 )
