Energy and climate change policies presage far-reaching societal transformations, but limited progress has been made in relation to low energy, low carbon heat.

The workshop brought together speakers from different disciplines, with the aim of improving understanding of opportunities and constraints.

The workshop focused on what is, and isn’t, being done by different actors and organisations, in state, market and civil society domains, and why. Speakers considered what needs to change in order to improve prospects for sustainable heat provisions, and what is missing from, or defective in, existing policy approaches and scenarios.

The workshop took place at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, University of Edinburgh.

The programme is available below.


Academic Workshop on Sustainable Heating Provisions and Cities: Theory, Practice and Future Implications

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 1

Emily Sam, David Malsom, Iain Greenshields ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 2

Peter Russett, Andy Yuill, Ian Allan, Paul Atkinson ( 2020 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World – Sheffield Session 3

Jon Buick, Faye Tomson, Andy Yuill ( 2020 )


Heat and the City Response to Scottish Government’s “Local Energy Policy Statement: A Consultation”

Faye Wade, Margaret Tingey, Fabian Fuentes Gonzalez and Janette Webb ( 2019 )

Consultation response

DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World HNIP & SPONSORS Slide Pack

Nick Good, Heat Networks Investment Project; Peter Russett, FVB District Energy UK; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Ian Allan, Switch2 ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World AFTERNOON Slide Pack

Rachel Coxcoon, CSE; Jon Selman, Plymouth City Council; Tony Norton, Howard Smith & Andy Wood, Exeter and East Devon; Andy Yuill, Natural Power; Josh Thumim, CSE ( 2019 )


DEVN: Heat Networks Planning for a Zero Carbon World MORNING Slide Pack

Paul Barker, Bristol City Council; Richard Lowes, Exeter University; Rufus Ford, Vattenfall; Jon Buick, Bristol City Council ( 2019 )


Heat and the City response to Energy Efficient Scotland March 2019 Consultation

Faye Wade, Janette Webb, Margaret Tingey and Henry Myers ( 2019 )

Consultation response

DEVN: Heat Networks The Road to Commercialisation MANCHESTER Slide Pack

( 2019 )


Sustainable Heating Provisions and Cities: Theory, Practice and Future Implications Workshop Programme
Event programme

( 2014 )
