Subscription to the Newsletter and your privacy

Subscribing to the newsletter involves providing some key contact information: your name, email address and the sector you work in. This page tells you what information we hold about you, how we store it and how to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

Information about you: how we use it and with whom we share it

The information you provide will be used by the University of Edinburgh, District Energy Development and Energy for London to send inform you about issues of the District Energy Vanguards Newsletter that are published online at and notices about district energy developments and events.

The University uses an external company to send email notifications to newsletter subscribers on the University’s behalf. Information about you will be shared with MailChimp the data processing organisation that is used to send out email communication. The University remains responsible for the information and will ensure it is kept securely.

We are using information about you because you have given us your consent and because you are part of the community of district energy practitioners involved in the District Energy Vanguards Network co-convened by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and District Energy Development. 

We will hold the personal data you provided us for as long as you remain a subscriber to the District Energy Vanguards Network.

Unsubscribe here

If you a question, please contact us.